
From The Junior Secondary Head of Department With David Capill Term 4 Week 8 2021


From The Junior Secondary 
Head of Department
With David Capill

STEM Incursion

On Thursday 18th November, our school had the pleasure of hosting Dr Damien Kee for the day. Damien is a renown expert in all things STEM. During the day, he worked with our STEM Squad, our TES class, and with a group of Junior Secondary Indigenous students. Students learned to build and program robots and to write code for microchips. Well done to all involved.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are being used at Toolooa to boost student engagement and move learning beyond the classroom. Across multiple subject areas, our students have the opportunity to learn in immersive spaces, take journeys to unreachable places and interact with interesting 3D objects.

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Last reviewed 25 November 2021
Last updated 25 November 2021