
Rules and policies


​​​Uniform Policy

Toolooa State High School is a “uniform school” because the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association, consulting with the parents of this school, decided at the outset to support the wearing of school uniforms.

The Minister for Education has stated that the advantages of wearing school uniforms include, “developing a sense of belonging to a group, pride in membership of that group and identification of students travelling to and from school”.  He also stated that “where uniforms are supported by the majority of parents, he would expect all parents to ensure their children wear the school uniform.”

This is our expectation and we require all parents to support the accepted standard of dress as detailed below, by ensuring that their students wear the correct and appropriate Toolooa High School uniform at all times.

Uniforms – General

The school uniform is advocated by the school and the P & C Association for the following reasons:

  • It gives all students a sense of personal pride in their own appearance.
  • Provided students change into other cloths after school, it should prove long-wearing and economical.
  • It encourages identification with the school and promotes school spirit.
  • Distractions caused by variations of dress and grooming are avoided.
  • Visitors to the school are easily identified.


Education Department instructions on safety procedures to be adopted by schools clearly state that students’ footwear must provide adequate protection which means footwear must cover the entire foot.    Footwear such as thongs, open-heeled sandals and openwork shoes shall not be worn by the students.  This regulation will be enforced.  Students who do not comply will be withdrawn from classes to work at the office.  More stringent rules apply in Workshop/Laboratory areas and during physical activities.

Notes on general appearance of students

  • Shoes should be cleaned regularly.
  • Hair must be neat and clean.  In the interest of safety and good health, students will be required to tie long hair back when working in some curriculum areas.
  • Safety, security and other reasons demand that only plain sleepers and studs may be worn for pierced body parts.  Neck chains or religious medals must be worn against the skin out of sight.  Watches may be worn.
  • If sporting a beard or moustache students must have it neatly trimmed at all times.
  • Jeans or jeggings (no matter what the colour) are not to be worn at any time.

The everyday school uniform is as follows

ColoursMaroon, Black and Grey
Polo shirts (boys and girls)These are available at the School Uniform Shop.
Shorts (boys and girls)Plain black shorts with logo available at the uniform shop. (Grey or dark blue shorts are not acceptable). Our guide for 2018 is that the bottom of the shorts is no higher than 3 inches (approx.. 7-8 cm above the top of the knee.
Skirt (girls)Plain black skirt with logo available at the uniform shop.
Socks (boys and girls)White or black plain short length socks
Shoes (boys and girls)Laced joggers

Communications device policy


The Toolooa SHS Communications Device Policy has been formulated in consultation with students, staff and parents.  Education Queensland guidelines related to the use of personal electronic devices and social media have been consulted in the creation of this document.

For the purposes of this policy, 'Communications Devices' are defined as any device which can transmit, store or record information in a digital/electronic format.  Some specific examples commonly used by our students (but not exclusive to) include:

  • mobile phones
  • smart phones
  • iPads
  • iPods
  • electronic tablets
  • laptops
  • android devices
  • MP3s
  • digital cameras
  • Ear phones/listening devices
  • smart watches

As part of preparing students for future careers in the workforce, in accordance with the school motto ‘Education for life’, we believe that communication devices have a place in society but not in the workplace.  Toolooa State High is the workplace and we believe that the behaviours modelled in this workplace should reflect common practices in greater society, including expectations and conduct.

Mobile Phones/Communication Devices

The increasing sophistication of mobile phone and communication device technology presents a number of issues for our school.  These include:

the high value of many phones and other communication devices such as iPads/iPods and MP3 players

the integration of cameras and video recording into communication devices, leading to potential to use a device e.g. for texting, while in silent mode, video chat and Bluetooth data sharing.

It is not realistic to prohibit communication devices from being brought to school nor is it logistically possible for schools to collect these each morning and return them to students in the afternoon.  Students will be able to bring devices with them under the conditions outlined below:

  1. Communication devices must not be used for any purpose(e.g. phoning, texting, surfing the net, taking photos or videos, listening to music etc.) in the school grounds, unless in accordance with point 7.
  2. Devices must always be switched off (not on silent mode) and kept out of view.
  3. Students are to display courtesy, respect and consideration for others when using communication devices in the school, under certain conditions (see below).
  4. Camera and video recording functions on communication devices are not to be used at ANY time, unless with express written permission of a teacher (e.g. Film and Television assessment, English oral, etc.)
  5. Students who feel unwell MUST contact home via the front office, and NOT use their mobile phones. This allows first aid staff to monitor the sick person while they wait to be collected.
  6. We would very much prefer that communication devices were not brought to school but do realise the need for them in some instances. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the device is not seen or heard during designated learning time.
  7. Students will be able to appropriately use communication devices before or after school and during lunch times in the school grounds. Staff on supervision during these times will monitor the use of these devices.
  8. If a person breaches these rules they are subject in the Communications Device Policy.
  9. Parents who need to urgently contact students must do so through the front office. Staff will ensure that students receive messages.
  10. Students bringing communications devices to school do so at their own risk, and Toolooa State High School takes no responsibility for their loss, damage or theft.

Consequences of inappropriate use

If a student is seen by a staff member using a mobile phone, communication or recording device during class or designated learning time (including the transition time from class to class), without express written permission from a class teacher or supervisor appropriate consequences will be applied.


First Offence – Level 1 – Staff member will ask for the item and place the item in a secure place, namely, the school safe in Administration.  Student will be required to present a letter to administration at 3.00 pm which acknowledges their breach and understanding of the policy.  When this letter has been completed satisfactorily the student will be able to collect the device.  The incident is recorded on OneSchool.

Second Offence – Level 2 – Staff member will ask for the item and place the item in a secure place, namely, the school safe in Administration.  The device will be made available for collection from the office to parent/carer.  An offence letter is sent home.  The incident is recorded on OneSchool.

Third Offence – Level 3 – Suspension and referral to Administration

If a student is seen by a staff member using mobile phone, communication or recording device during an examination or other supervised testing situation:

Level 3 – Suspension and referral to Administration

If a student is found to be in the possession of material on and/or responsible for actions related to a mobile phone, communication, recording or other storage device, that is

  • In breach of the school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan, or
  • Is pornographic or anti-social in nature, or
  • Identifies Toolooa SHS students by actions or uniform:

Level 3 – Suspension and possibility of police involvement, based on the nature of the incident/evidence.

If a student is found to be the publisher of an internet site and/or uses social media which is/displays evidence of:

  • Unauthorised recorded material from the school grounds, or
  • In breach of the school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan, or
  • Is pornographic or anti-social in nature, or
  • Identifies Toolooa SHS students by actions or uniform:

If the student refuses to hand the device over to the HOD or Deputy Principal, they will be suspended.

Jewellery / Cosmetics Policy

At the beginning of all lessons, including form, teachers will be enforcing the jewellery policy and asking students to remove jewellery that does not conform.

Acceptable jewellery / cosmetics

  • Sleepers or studs.  Ear cuffs, spikes and the like are unacceptable.
  • Watch and/or bracelet (only one each)
  • A maximum of 2 flat rings with no protrusions
  • Neck chains/religious medals worn against the skin and not visible.
    Any chains are to be of fine silver or gold only, no leather.
  • No choker type neck ornaments (for safety reasons)

NB No Cosmetic Makeup is to be worn, with the exception of ‘foundation’.

Heads of Department and teachers will do risk assessments for activities where they believe the wearing of jewellery, the amount and position of jewellery worn could increase the level of risk of injury to that person or others, for example manual arts, sewing or cooking, physical education, science labs, to an unacceptable level.  If the risk level is assessed as unacceptable, students will be asked to remove the jewellery, or teachers may choose to supply masking tape to cover up or to hold the jewellery in a fixed position for the duration of the activity.


At this present stage, students will only be asked to remove the jewellery that does not conform. Failing to do so and consistently breaching this policy will result in the student being referred to a member of administration with appropriate action to be taken.

Last reviewed 07 September 2023
Last updated 07 September 2023