From The Deputy
With Jess Batey
We have made it to the end of term one – well done!
Although we’ve ended with some difficult times (COVID related), it has really been a fantastic start to the year.
It has certainly been a big term for our students and staff alike. We’ve had our swimming carnival, we’ve appointed our junior and senior leaders, a selection of our students met with the Chief Scientist of Queensland, our leaders participated in Lions Youth of the Year, we’ve celebrated ‘Bullying: no way’ day, recognised Gold Award recipients, presented QATSIF scholarships, celebrated International Women’s Day, helped out at Park Run, and so much more. It’s no wonder we’re all ready for a break!
I’d like to acknowledge our students who, for the most part, have been exceptional this term. The vast majority of Toolooa students have been respectful, responsible and have worked towards achieving their best. The students and their families should be proud. Further, our staff have worked tirelessly to provide the best possible learning environment for all our students, inside the classroom and in extra-curricular activities. I thank our staff for their dedication and efforts – you are really making a difference.
I would like to say a big ‘farewell’ to Mrs Kean, our Year 8 Deputy Principal, who is leaving us at the end of this term to go travelling (when restrictions finally ease). Mrs Kean has been working at Toolooa for 12 years now, and has been working as our Deputy Principal for the duration of term one. She has been an absolute asset to our school, with her passion, enthusiasm and care for providing the best for students – she will be sorely missed. Wishing you safe and happy travels, Mrs Kean!
I hope that all members of the Toolooa community have a chance to relax over the next two weeks. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school, refreshed and ready to go, on Monday 19th April 2021.
Jess Batey
Deputy Principal