Maths Tutoring Popular With All Year Levels:
Maths tutoring is about to start again for 2021. It will be on every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm - 4pm (starting next week) and is available for any year level. It has become very popular in recent years and it is good to see many students making the effort to come and improve their mathematics skills by doing a little extra work each week.
Remember: come for a little while or stay for the whole hour - depending on your needs.
We suggest that if you are planning to attend that you make sure you have some work from your teacher to continue on with or have recognised some aspect of your work you need extra help with. Do not come without any plan of what you are going to do. It is not a social outing! Students not using the time wisely will be asked to leave or their parents will be contacted to come and get them.
All students must sign in on arrival and out when leaving so we have record of your attendance.
Don’t forget to make sure you have made your own arrangements to get home that day. For more details or any enquiries please contact me on Ph. 4971 4317 or

Greg Hage
HOD Mathematics