Senior Schooling News
With Darren Boase
External Mock Exams
Our current year 12 students will be participating in External Mock Exams from September 9 to September 17. All students in General subjects will complete an exam that mimics the conditions of the External Exams scheduled for term 4.
Students who are only enrolled in General subjects need to only attend school for their scheduled exams; at all other times they may ‘flex-off’ and study at home.
Students with Applied and/or VET subjects on their timetable MUST attend their timetabled Applied and/or VET lessons as normal — unless one of their General subject exam clashes with their timetabled Applied/VET lessons, in which case they will need to attend their General subject exam.
Any questions regarding the Mock External Exam can be directed to the Senior Schooling team.
EQIP Health Support Services
15 students from years 10-12 at Gladstone State High School and Toolooa State High School have successfully completed their Certificate II in Health Support Services. Training was provided by Bluestone Medical, in a simulated Health Hub at the Gladstone State High School Trades Training Centre. Special congratulations to Toolooa SHS student Tage who was awarded student of the year.
See the Senior Schooling Team in the Library to collect your application packs.