
Principal Piece with Justin Harrison Term 2 Week 4 2023


Principal’s Piece — Justin Harrison

To all the mothers out there, I would like to wish you a very happy Mother’s Day for this Sunday.

As we approach the end of Week 4, I would like to congratulate our student body on how they have settled down and re-engaged with their schoolwork and the routines of our school. It has been very pleasing to hear that the majority of students are adhering to the school’s core values of respect, achievement and responsibility.

All students have received their assessment calendar for Term 2. Not only is it important that the calendar is placed in a location whereby the student can constantly refer to it at home, I encourage parents/carers to reinforce with their child the importance of mapping out their term and being well organised. Please contact your child’s teacher or the school if you have any questions regarding the assessment schedule.

As Principal of this great school, I am very fortunate to have parents/carers fully invested in their child’s education and the direction of the school. Working together has allowed us to continue to provide the best education possible. I would like to thank those parents who attended the parent-teacher evening and to those parents who have since made contact to discuss their child’s progress and what is expected from all moving forward. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to provide us with any feedback (positive or constructive) or to discuss your child’s progress as we all know, working together early on an issue will normally result in a positive outcome.

Reflection of Term 1 Results
I would like to congratulate all students who achieved their academic goals for Term 1. It was very pleasing to see the large number of students who received Cs or above, with a large percentage receiving all As and Bs. A special mention must go to the majority of students whose behaviour and effort in all classes was well above satisfactory. Please see the breakdown below highlighting the positive engagement of students in class:

Year 7 – 10 Achievement, Behaviour and Effort Summary: 

Year 7 – 10 Achievement, Behaviour and Effort Summary:

Year 11 – 12 Achievement, Behaviour and Effort Summary:

Year 7 2024 Transition
It's hard to believe, but we're already getting ready to start the transition process for our incoming cohort of Year 7s in 2024! Families wishing to enrol their child into Year 7 at Toolooa are encouraged to 'like' our Facebook page, and keep an eye out for the date claimers for our information sessions. We will host the first session in term three, and another in term four - each with different information.

Enrolments will open on the first day of term three, and will be due on the last day of the term. Please remember that we are enrolment managed, meaning that students are only eligible for enrolment if they are residing within our catchment zone, or they have a sibling already attending the school. For more information, or to check the catchment zones, please visit:

Successful Grants
Our Junior Leadership Environmental Group have been successful in securing a $34 000 grant under Sustainability Funding. Our students created a proposal with a three-prong approach encompassing sustainability, biodiversity and waste management. The goal of the project is to develop a number of environmental initiatives which can be used to educate all students either directly or indirectly around the importance of sustainability, biodiversity and waste.

Toolooa was also successful with its application for $25 000 under the Schools Upgrade Fund to go towards an outdoor learning space near our Science Block. This project will be jointly funding between our Interact Club, the school and the funds secured through the grant application.

Holiday Works
Concreting - Two sections of concrete were poured over the Easter holidays with one being the extension of the student entry point to the Manual Arts materials shed. This extension will enable students to more safely access the supplies contained in the shed. The other section of concreting is a redundant garden that interrupts the path between Math and the spine of the school. The concreting of this large section has enabled students to take a shorted route in transit between classes while also eliminating debris being washed out.

Lighting – Additional lighting has been mounted on the tuckshop side of the shelter that will enable more visibility for parents, students and staff when we host evening events such as awards night. This new lighting was recently tested at parent teacher interviews and worked well.

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Last reviewed 11 May 2023
Last updated 11 May 2023