Principal’s Piece — Justin Harrison
Last Week for Year 12
Next week we congratulate our graduating class of 2022 and wish them all the very best for their future endeavours. As a school, we are extremely proud of the exiting cohort and I am confident that the school has empowered them with the skills and attributes required to transition successfully to further education, training or employment. It has been a privilege to watch these young people grow and develop into the young adults who are ready to venture into their next stage of their lives.
To celebrate and recognise their successful journey at Toolooa, next week there have been multiple opportunities/events arranged over the week with the final celebration being the year 12 Formal on the 18th of November. Appropriately at this time, I would like to thank all parents/carers, staff and support team for their dedication to the Year 12 students during their time at Toolooa. I would also like to thank the organising committee; Mrs Hetherington and Mrs Read for the work they have devoted to make next week very special.
All Year Levels Attendance
As we reach the end of the year, parents are reminded that children must attend school every day unless they have a reasonable excuse for being away. Visiting family, being tired, starting holidays early are not adequate reasons to be away from school.
Year 12 External Assessment
The Year 12 External Assessment (EA) block for QCAA General subjects which runs for 17 days is almost finished. The last exam will be completed on Monday the 14th of November. Congratulations to all students on their engagement with their subject tutorials, study at home and how they conducted and applied themselves in their respective exams. I look forward to seeing some very pleasing and rewarding EA and overall raw score results for this year's cohort. Can I sincerely thank Mr Thomas (Senior Schooling DP), Mr Boase (HOD Senior School and EA Coordinator), Mr Muller, all teaching staff involved in exam supervision, office staff, teacher aides and our community QCAA invigilators for their time, dedication, and organisational efforts over the last 17 days. Year 12's will commence their alternative program on Monday the 14th of November. All Year 12's are expected to attend the scheduled sessions of this program.
Student Code of Conduct
We are currently reviewing our Student Code of Conduct and our whole school behaviour processes. While we have received great feedback from our school community through our School Opinion Survey, we are always chasing suggestions or ideas that may help us be even better. If you would like to contribute to this review, please contact Danielle Willard — (Deputy Principal Wellbeing) via email
Transition Information Session & Year 7 Orientation Days
Thank you to all the families that were able to attend this week's final transition information session for the year. It was great to meet a number of incoming students and their families.
A reminder that we are hosting all incoming Year 7 students for Orientation on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th November 2022. On these days, students are to wear their primary school uniform, and bring a hat, water bottle, lunch, pencil case and a book. Students must have submitted their 2023 enrolment paperwork to be able to attend the orientation. We are looking forward to meeting all our incoming students, and contributing to their successful high school transition.

Over the last two weeks, we have had the privilege of meeting approximately 40 Year 6 students who will be attending Toolooa State High School next year. Their transition to high school will continue through an additional two visits, working closely with Mrs Gehle, Mr Roby and all the fabulous Inclusion Assistants. The team at Toolooa House have worked closely with local primary schools Kin Kora, South, West, Clinton and Central to support students with additional needs transition into High School for 2023. Students participating in the extended transition program have the chance to attend four sessions prior to coming to the whole cohort transition days on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th November. Staff members from each primary school attend the various transition days to assist their students to navigate the new environment, and also to provide valuable information about the specific needs of various students.
It is normal for a child to feel stress and anxiety about starting high school. The extended transition program aims to reduce these feelings by exposing students to various routines, locations and people. We know that students require positive relationships with teachers to enhance learning, and this has all begun during the transition days. By the time these students are starting their Year 7 journey, they will be comfortable in their new surroundings, have some familiar faces around them and have developed positive connections with staff and peers.
During the program, students will meet various important staff members, from Mr Harrison (Principal) and Ms Batey (Yr 7 Deputy Principal) to Archie, the Wellbeing Dog. Later in the program, students will be sent on a scavenger hunt to find them.
A big thanks goes to Mrs Anne-Maree Gehle for all of her hard work in preparing this excellent program!