Indigenous News
Our Indigenous support team would like to welcome Dean Lillyman to our team! Dean is going to be working with our Y9 students, Dean has a wealth of knowledge that he brings to our team, he is especially keen and excited to develop more of a bush tucker gardens around our schools and sharing this with our students!

Our Indigenous Team are running some groups this year for our grades 7-9s, around SEL (social and emotional learnings) and cultural perspectives.
Our upcoming events including our annual Meet and Greet will be out when dates are locked in!
Tracy, Bree, Dean and I are very excited with what this year with our school!
We have sent out notes for our groups, and who is looking after which grades also! So keep an eye on your mail.
If you hadn't received it yet, below is this information;
Bree Saltner: Year 7 and 8
Dean Lillyman: Year 9
Tracy Connolly: Year 10 and 11
Ambrose Coolwell: Year 12 and Intensive Indigenous Students
We are keen and excited for this year with our mob!
Stay deadly!
Ambrose Coolwell
Community Educations Counsellor