From The Deputy
With Jess Batey
Welcome! We’ve had such a positive start to the 2021 school year, and it’s been wonderful to welcome back our existing cohorts, as well as welcome our incoming cohort of Year 7s.
Although week one was only a short one, staff and students hit the ground running, setting classes up for a successful year. Walking through classes has been an absolute pleasure, with students taking pride in their bookwork (hard copies or OneNotes), asking great questions, and meeting behaviour expectations.
The start of the year is the perfect time to be setting great habits for the year –being organised, completing homework/study, reading at night, etc. To support students with their organisation, assessment calendars will be printed next week. All students will receive a hard copy of the calendar, and they’ll be required to list draft and due dates into their diaries. To support your child with staying organised, we’d recommend keeping the assessment calendar somewhere that you’ll both see if regularly (eg. on the fridge), and refer back to it often – not just the night before the due date.
This term brings some exciting opportunities within the school. For families of the Year 7 cohort, we’ll be hosting a ‘meet the teachers’ informal BBQ in the coming weeks. Additionally, we’ll be hosting our swimming carnival in week 6 and our cross country on the last day of the term. In addition to this, we’ll have the ever-popular ‘meet & greet’ BBQ for our Indigenous students and their families. Stay connected with the school and upcoming events by checking our fortnightly newsletters, ‘liking’ our Facebook page and checking our school website.
Again, welcome to the 2021 school year – let’s make this one our best year yet!
Jess Batey
Deputy Principal