Math News
Mathematics Tutoring Leads to Better Outcomes!
As term 3 has just begun, I thought it was timely to remind everyone of a very valuable service we offer here at Toolooa SHS:
Remember mathematics tutoring is on every Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm and is open to every year level.
Can I ask you to please make sure you ask your son/daughter, if they are planning to attend tutoring, to make sure they have some work to do. The teachers who are present supporting the students don't need the extra burden of having to find work for unprepared students to do.
Students should come prepared with work they need to finish, assignments they are working on or extra work they have got from their classroom teacher.
Any student who turns up and is not there to work will be asked to leave or their parents will be called to come and pick them up.
The dates for tutoring this term are as follows:
- Week 2 Wednesday, 20th July
- Week 3 Wednesday, 27th July
- Week 4 Wednesday, 3rd August
- Week 5 Wednesday, 10th August
- Week 6 Wednesday, 17th August
- Week 7 Wednesday, 24
th August - Week 8 Wednesday, 31st August
- Week 9 Wednesday, 7th September
Greg Hage
Head of Department - Mathematics